Bidding for power: how can local and central government use devolution deals to rebalance the economy? (Manchester)

Private round table, Manchester

Author: Localis   |  

‘Bidding for power: how can local and central government use devolution deals to rebalance the economy?’

In conjunction with Grant Thornton, Localis will be hosting a private roundtable discussion with council leaders and chief executives, senior civil servants and LEP chairs and chief executives that will consider the mechanics of devolution deals.

With the new Government now firmly in place, the Chancellor has made clear that it is his priority to turn the Northern Powerhouse agenda from plan into action. While ministers have suggested that they want to devolve to all types and tiers of governance, they have made it clear that significant devolution will only be achieved via a deal-based approach. As the Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill makes its way through parliament, now is therefore an ideal time to discuss the mechanics of such deals. The round table discussion will be structured around the following questions:

  • How can councils find a viable geography and set of partners to bid for devolution? Are combined authorities with mayors the only show in town?
  • What sort of powers should councils be bidding for? How can they make the most positive case for devolution?
  • What accountability and governance frameworks should be put in place?

The outcomes of the event will feed into a major report that will be published in October.

This event will be held in Manchester on 12th August. If you would be interested in hearing more about this event, please contact Jack Airey on