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As the winter election of 2019 approaches approaches amidst a blizzard of promises and debate, Localis have produced Manifest Destiny as a shorthand guide to the localist elements of the three main party manifestos. Focusing on those pledges which directly concern the powers, funding and control of local government, we take the manifestos at face value and […]
The increased pressure placed on local authorities under the period of austerity since 2010 has been well rehearsed, but how well have local authorities as a whole managed under the strain? This short report examines some of the evidence available on one crucial line of service: social care. The analysis shows most users of adult […]
Automation is a major point of debate in politics and policy. How it will happen, when it will happen and who will be affected are all contentious questions with multiple, often conflicting, answers. Cutting through the various arguments around automation is the certainty that it is going to happen, and that it hasn’t really started […]