With a Little Help From Our Friends

Publication Launch

Despite having one of the oldest local government systems in the world, England is among the most centralised – if not the most centralised – of advanced industrial countries.

The LGA has sponsored Localis to write a report, which will be launched at the event. It pitches the English local government system against a number of countries ranging from Denmark to Australia. The report argues for a series of more fundamental changes in the relationship between central and local government. At a time when UK Parliament is considering how our local government system can be more effective, our report draws on international experiences and practices.

So, how do things work in other countries, and what lessons can we learn? What is your view? Join the debate, find out more about the report’s recommendations and help us make these practices a reality in England! Confirmed speakers are:

Roger Gough, Senior Advisor, Localis, and author of the LGA-Localis report

Peter Gorm Hansen, Chief Executive, Local Government Denmark

Cllr Richard Kemp, European and international lead, LGA

Chair: John Ransford, Deputy Chief Executive, LGA

This free event is part of the LGA’s series of Smith Square debates which have attracted audiences which includejournalists, stakeholders, council chief executives and leaders, and parliamentarians.

smiths square debates

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