Conservatives ‘must learn from councils’

Author: BBC   |  

A Conservative government will have much to learn from the way the party runs councils, shadow chancellor George Osborne is expected to say.

In a speech to local authorities, he will say councils have dealt well with budget “constraints” similar to those to be faced in Downing Street.

Tories are “rooting out waste and cutting costs”, Mr Osborne will add.

Sharing services between authorities and publishing spending details online are among the measures he is backing.

In a speech to the Conservative Councillors’ Seminar in central London, Mr Osborne will say: “I want the Conservative Party to learn from what local Conservative councils are doing right now, as they are dealing with many of the constraints that we may face very soon.”

While Tory central office is developing policies for delivering public services when budgets are tight, local councils have “got on with doing it”, he will add.

“When it comes to rooting out waste and cutting costs, or improving services through innovative new policies, Conservative councils are showing it can be done.”

Windsor Council and the Greater London Authority were the first to publish detailed information about their spending programmes online, Mr Osborne will say.

Tory-run Hammersmith and Fulham reduced administration costs and froze councillor allowances so it could focus resources on schools and more policing, he will add.

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