Councils weigh in on care

Author: Daily Express   |  

Councils yesterday stepped up opposition to the Government’s promise of free care at home for the elderly.

The surprise pledge made by Gordon Brown last year was criticised for cutting across efforts to find a way of funding elderly care, which have sparked fury by raising the prospect of a so-called “death tax”.

The Personal Care at Home Bill now before Parliament is due to take effect from October.

Last week, Labour was accused of leaning on its councillors to withdraw support for a letter criticising the “flawed” plans. The Local Government Association, representing councils in England, yesterday issued a detailed briefing warning councils cannot afford the £250million a year they will have to pay into the scheme.

They fear that more people than the 400,000 the Government expects will be entitled to the free care, pushing up the cost and damaging services to those not deemed to have the most serious needs.

Councils also want implementation of the Bill delayed until April next year. They say they are being expected to set their budgets now without knowing the cost of the new system.

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