Freud congratulated on localist apporach

Author: Ruth Keeling, LGC   |  

Senior figures in local government have welcomed the extent to which councils are to be involved in welfare reform.

The Department for Work & Pensions, often criticised for its centralising tendencies, has been praised for its ?localist? approach in piloting the design of a new benefits system which will consolidate existing benefits into a single payment for claimants.

Paul Martin, chief executive of Wandsworth LBC and the LGA’s representative on the DWP’s programme board for universal credit, said the department’s decision to pilot aspects of the reform in 12 local authority areas was ?an encouraging sign that welfare reform will benefit from a more localist approach?.

As LGC previously reported, Lord Freud said he believed ?local authorities are the natural intermediary? for face to face support for claimants.

Mr Martin said Lord Freud’s comments ?open up a great opportunity for councils?.

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