Localis cited in new report

Author: Localis   |  

KCC Leader Paul Carter yesterday published his proposals for giving councils more power to improve services for local people. It could potentially save up to œ21 billion of public money.

The ‘Bold Steps for Radical Reform’ document is about radical devolution to local communities and local government at all levels. It shows how real devolution and empowerment can deliver substantial savings of public money and drive up standards of service for local people.

The document recommends the removal of national quangos and regional bureaucracy. It proposes potential savings of between œ15 to 21 billion, which is the equivalent of 2% Gross Domestic Product.

It also recommends the return of spatial planning and local commissioning powers to local councils.

Localis’ report called ‘Can Localism Deliver’, which looked into the recently created Manchester City Region, was cited within Kent’s report.

View the full report here