New inspection model in the wings

Author: Local Government Chronicle   |  

Conservative council leaders are increasingly confident they will be able to convince a Tory government to adopt a new inspection model within its first year in power.

The Local Government Association’s improvement board chairman David Parsons (Con) told LGC it hoped to develop a replacement for the comprehensive area assessment (CAA) that would be ready by the time a new government was formed.

“The LGA model is based around self- and risk-based assessment,” said Cllr Parsons. “We have been trying to get an alternative on the stocks, so we can just take it off the shelf if there is a Tory government.”

The LGA will now consult on its proposals and has aspirations for a slimmed-down indicator set, greater sector-led improvement and a reduction in the burden of regulation and inspection.

Hillingdon LBC leader Ray Puddifoot (Con) said: “I have no interest in this [CAA] process at all. We are going through the motions of CAA, but more importantly we are listening to our residents.”

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