Obese people may be forced to exercise or lose benefits

Author: Rosa Silverman, Telegraph; Matt Chorley, Daily Mail; David Aaronovitch, Radio 4 'What the Papers Say'   |  

Alex Thomson was quoted in a number of papers & media responding to potential approaches to public health once responsibility for it transfers to local government.

The Telegraph

Alex Thomson, chief executive of Localis, the think tank, said the policy could discriminate against people who chose to exercise privately.

“Even if you check into the pool how will they know if you just sit and have a latte in the café instead?” he said.

Click here to view the article

The Daily Mail

Alex Thomson, chief executive of the think-tank Localis, praised the idea as ‘localism in practice’, but said it discriminated against those who exercised outside council facilities.

‘And even if you check in to the pool how will they know if you just sit and have a latte in the café instead?’ he added.

Click here to view the article

Radio 4 ‘What the Papers Say’

Alex’s comments in the FT were highlighted by David Aaronovitch on Radio 4’s ‘What the Papers Say’.

Click here to listen to the podcast (6 January edition – time limited – from 3 mins onwards)