Prepare for Social Value Act now, councils and third bodies warned

Author: The MJ   |  

Social Enterprise UK has called on councils and third sector groups to prepare fully for the Social Value Act, which comes into force in January.

The Act will require all public bodies, including local government, in England and Wales to consider social value ? how arrangements would benefit the community ? when awarding contracts to other organisations.

According to Social Enterprise UK the public services market is worth around œ79bn, but only 11% of contracts are currently delivered by social enterprises or charities.

‘The Social Value Act is set to radically affect the way public services are delivered,’ said Social Enterprise UK chief executive, Peter Holbrook.

‘It will support commissioners to use their spending power to create lasting social change, and open the door for social enterprises and charities ? providers who deliver quality services and reinvest their profits into the communities where they work.’

‘For public bodies, it’s imperative they get to grips with what they need to do to comply with it,’ he added.

‘In these austere times, this legislation will be encouraging commissioners to work with providers who can deliver maximum value for the communities.’

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