Why rural children are leaving

Author: The Guardian   |  

The lack of mobile phone reception and broadband coverage in rural areas has become the No 1 issue in dissuading young people from staying on in the countryside, the chair of the Commission for Rural Communities has said.

In a report to the prime minister, Stuart Burgess, the government’s rural advocate, said that the long-term future of the countryside is in jeopardy because so many young people are being forced out of rural areas to find homes, jobs and support.

In what was described as a “snapshot” of the state of the countryside, Burgess found that almost 60% of urban areas are able to receive a cable-based broadband service, while in villages and hamlets this drops to 1.5%. The report said that lack of internet access was a major issue for children who live in rural areas. “With social networking such a feature of youth culture, lack of access can lead to frustration and exclusion.”

The issue was one for both parents and children. In an interview with the Guardian, Burgess said that “the No 1 issue is broadband access and mobile phone networks for young people thinking of buying houses in rural areas. For children there’s an expectation that they will be able to use the internet for homework. Yet we have seen schools’ internet network close down at 4pm in rural areas and there’s no internet at home.” He called on the government to introduce a scheme nationally modelled on a successful pilot in remote Cumbria, which now has the highest penetration of broadband in any rural area in England. Burgess said that for adults phone reception was becoming essential and that he wanted mobile phone companies to treat the countryside as a foreign country allowing customers to “roam for a network to connect to. When you go abroad mobile phones roam for a network to connect to. Yet in rural areas, where you may only have one provider, if your phone is from another company you cannot access the signal.”

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