London Councils backs community budgets report

Author: Dan Peters, the MJ   |  

London Councils has backed a communities and local government committee report that called on the Government to ‘grab the lifeline’ offered by community budgets.
Mayor Jules Pipe, chairman of London Councils, which represents all of the capital’s boroughs, welcomed the findings of yesterday’s report.

He said: ‘Community budgets are a great example of what can be achieved for residents when local government works in partnership with central government and other agencies.

‘We support any initiative which gives more financial freedom and decision-making power to local partners so that they can shape services around residents’ needs.’

Whole Place community budgets were launched by the West London tri-borough of Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham, and Kensington & Chelsea in 2011.

Among a suite of proposals, the tri-borough authorities worked to devise a new model for securing better outcomes for elderly people at risk of being admitted to a hospital or care home.

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