A paper from the excellent Localis think tank Giving the Green Light: Policy Ideas for a Model Environmentally Sustainable Council includes a section on staff travel. Instead of fleet cars it suggests car sharing. Also more working from home. It suggests phasing in green vehicles over time.
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) capacity should be extended, as this could potentially provide as
much power as the new range of nuclear reactors combined, says a new report from Localis, the
local government and localist think tank.
First in David Cameron’s quango-firing line should be the Audit Commission. An instrument of the reform regime, the Audit Commission fosters compliance rather than improvement; and compliance with bad ideas to boot.
The governments flagship scheme for encouraging business growth has been reduced by a third due to the crisis in the public finances – from £150m to just £100m
Rural campaigners have warned of local protests throughout the country after Gordon Brown announces this week that he is to press ahead with his eco-towns project.
Care for the elderly will deteriorate without a controversial new care insurance scheme, Health Secretary Andy Burnham insisted last night.As he prepared to unveil the biggest shake-up of social care in a generation, Mr Burnham told the Daily Mail that the Government has not yet decided whether to make payments into the scheme voluntary or compulsory.
Plans to scrap the two-tier system of long-term care for the elderly, which gives no help to thousands of middle-class families, will be outlined this week. Ministers are proposing the creation of a universal system giving all families the same basic entitlement to help, with the same legal protection, right to an assessment of needs and help in navigating the complex fees of care homes.
The quango running the government’s £55bn programme to rebuild schools has been accused of “bullying” local authorities with threats to withdraw their funding in a damning new report released ahead of an official announcement on the scheme this week.
The Conservatives are preparing to unleash a new era of council house-building, in a radical shift that would undo 30 years of right-wing thinking. The shadow housing minister, Grant Shapps, said the Conservatives want to increase council involvement in low-cost housing, overturning one of Margaret Thatcher’s trademark policies.
Moves towards unitary local government in three county areas could be delayed after a judicial review came down in favour of three Suffolk district councils. The review concluded that the BCE should have consulted on further alternatives.