The chief executive of a London borough says radical new thinking is needed as the authority looks to savings of £50m up to 2014. Brents Gareth Daniel told senior managers that the economic outlook for local government was tough as the sector came to the end of an era of year-on-year spending growth. “That particular party is very definitely over, but a harsh financial climate is no excuse for poor services or a lack of ambition.
Four of Britains biggest city councils have called on the government to introduce a revolutionary scheme that would let them raise billions of pounds for regeneration schemes on the back of future tax revenue.
David Cameron pledges to deliver the most dramatic redistribution of power in living memory as he attempts to deal with the concerns of voters left disgusted by the row over MPs’ expenses. In a broad-ranging article in the Guardian, Cameron declares that he would trim back the powers of the prime minister and boost the role of parliament to win back public confidence.
More than three-quarters of councils surveyed thought Alistair Darlings Budget was bad for local government.
Our survey shows that 60% of District Councils think that efficiency savings are not possible; 78% of respondents think that the Budget was bad for local government; and Only 35% think that statutory city regions are a good idea.
An influential panel of MPs has slammed local government, labelling the sector timid and criticising the Local Government Association for not being pro-active enough.
78% of Councils thought the Budget was bad for local government, according to a survey carried
out by Localis, the local government and localist think-tank.
Councils not included in the government’s ‘Total Place’ initiative are moving ahead with their own plans to assess the potential benefits of cross-public sector collaboration.
Kent County Council has been advised by the CIPFA that it is likely to get over 90% of its total deposits in Icelandic banks returned.
Vale of Glamorgan council issued an unreserved apology to the family for “a serious error of judgment”