Local Transport bodies could struggle to carve out a role for themselves, a think-tank warned this week. The comments come in a new report by Localis, written by Daniel Crowe and Steven Howell, with a foreword by Peter Box, chairman of the Local Government Associations economy and transport board.
No-one would pretend that local government is having the easiest time of it at the moment. Not only are leaders and chief executives grappling with the most punishing cuts to grant in living memory, but some supermarket tried to pin the blame for the horsemeat scandal on councils ? not with any justification, mind you, but another headache nonetheless.
Localis’ Senior Policy Officer, Steven Howell, participated in a Guardian online debate on the upcoming transfer of public health to local authorities.
Local people in Upper Eden voted in favour of the plan with a 90 per cent majority last night. They were the first to take to the polls and vote on a neighbourhood plan. The plan seeks to allow more affordable homes to be created across 17 parish areas by allowing more conversions and building on farms, and better broadband internet connections to be established.
Think tank Localis’ report The case for greater local influence over transport, commissioned by the Local Government Association (LGA), claims locally developed schemes achieve 2.5 times the return on typical transport investments.
A Localis report commissioned by the Local Government Association (LGA) has recommended the Government abolish the Highways Agency and grant sub-regional bodies power over road projects to boost financial returns on investment.
A new report by Localis, commissioned by the Local Government Association, recommends the abolition of the Highways Agency, which sometimes over-prices schemes or vetos them based on overly-simplistic projections of increased congestion.
Analysis by the Localis think-tank found that localising transport spending could provide better economic benefits than if the government continued to manage it centrally.
Four new independent but government-funded centres of policy advice covering local economic growth, ageing, early intervention and crime reduction are being launched by the government.
Localis’ Steven Howell participated in a Guardian online debate about the demonstrating the value of resident involvement to communities and businesses.