Social Enterprise UK has called on councils and third sector groups to prepare fully for the Social Value Act, which comes into force in January.
Senior Policy Officer at Localis, Steven Howell, participated in a Guardian online debate about the relationship between the public and private sectors.
Against a new policy context of opening up public service provision, recent reports by Localis and the CBI provide further evidence that outsourcing in the public sector is here to stay.
Equalities campaign group One Society has reported local authorities are in the vanguard for narrowing the gap of pay for staff.
Speaking at a Localis fringe event, new Liberal Democrat local government minister Don Foster stressed his commitment to encouraging more community ownership of council assets.
Localis will be hosting events at all three party conferences this year.
A plan to give the NHS Commissioning Board an ?active role? in the reorganisation of local health services is ?in tension? with a pledge that power will be transferred to local organisations, Solace has warned.
Long seen as plodding, Britain’s local councils are now bold, ideological and on the march says the Economist. Alex Thomson comments.
Londons boroughs are set to propose wide-ranging changes significantly strengthening local authorities role in education, including allowing councils to receive data about academies performance and investigate their finances.
Council leaders have said making greater use of private and voluntary sector expertise is the greatest benefit of outsourcing services.