Local councils are set to revolutionise their operations with a more open approach to collaboration, according to a leading thinktank.
A new Localis report suggests councils will need to go beyond obvious reforms to deliver better public services in the future
Council chiefs should work with Whitehall to jointly develop best practice on commissioning public services, think tank Localis has urged.
Councils are facing up to the austerity challenge in new and innovative ways. Getting rid of unnecessary EU red tape would help too
Social care, waste collection, road maintenance, planning, housing and environmental health could all be provided by the private or voluntary sector in the future, according to Localis’ new report, Catalyst Councils.
As the Government reshuffles its ministers, but maintains its priority is rebuilding the economy, the latest report from think-tank Localis looks at providing the skills for councils to change how they work. Alex Thomson explains.
Alex Thomson, Chief Executive of Localis, speaks to Room 151 about Localis’ new report, ‘Catalyst Councils’
Council chiefs want to bring in additional expertise by working with outside partners, but they still face opposition, says Localis
Whitehall should help councils improve their commissioning skills as increasing numbers of services are outsourced, according to the Localis think-tank.
The launch of Localis’ new report ‘Catalyst Councils’ was highlighted in Andrew Sparrow’s Politics Live blog on The Guardian’s website