The areas piloting whole place community budgets are close to finalising the teams of local and Whitehall officials who will investigate the scope for pulling together all public services delivered in a local area.
Localis Research Fellow, Richard Carr, took part in a Guardian online debate on Wednesday 22nd February regarding the future of the planning system and how local government can adjust and encourage communities to get involved.
Councils have unprecedented power to make changes in their areas while juggling cuts and walking a financial tightrope
A new £420 million fund to unlock work on stalled schemes is three times oversubscribed, housing minister Grant Shapps has revealed.
The Local Government Association (LGA) has offered to share its knowledge and assets with the 41 planned directly-elected police and crime commissioners (PCCs) ? potentially welcoming high-profile figures into Smith Square from November.
The Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has published the first national policy statement (NPS) for infrastructure dealing with waste water.
A night in the cells used to be spent courtesy of the boys in blue. But from April private contractors will be building police stations and employing the staff to run them as well.
Lord Glasman delivered a speech at our offices in Westminster on Thursday 9th February entitled ‘Blue Labour and the Politics of Place’. BBC Parliament has included the speech (including a video of the event) as a part of their ‘Briefings.’
Councils have to look for new ways of regenerating our towns and cities and should consider alternatives to the Private Finance Initiative such as Local Asset Backed Vehicles.
Alex Thomson says local government needs to rethink its approach to infrastructure investment.