Localis in association with Commercial Estates Group will be hosting a private invite-only roundtable discussion on the effectiveness of the planning system at Labour Party Conference in Brighton on the afternoon of Monday 28th September.
Earlier this year, the Coalition Government announced some significant structural reforms to the health and social care system, most notably the announcement that the entire local health and social care budget would be devolved in Greater Manchester.
In conjunction with PA Consulting, Localis will be hosting a private round table discussion in London addressing innovation in social care.
In conjunction with PA Consulting, Localis will be hosting a private round table discussion in London addressing the air quality in the UK’s cities.
In conjunction with Grant Thornton, Localis will be hosting a private round table discussion in Manchester addressing the mechanics of devolution deals.
In conjunction with Grant Thornton, Localis will be hosting a private round table discussion in London addressing the mechanics of devolution deals.
Working with Localis at the 2015 party conferences.
Professor Tony Travers, Director of LSE London, launched our new report Commercial Councils.
Debate on what the Labour Party should offer on devolution in its 2015 General Election manifesto.
Debate on what the Liberal Democrat Party should offer on devolution in its 2015 General Election manifesto.