This July, Staffordshire County Council will be organising a lecture and panel event focused upon three topics of significant importance to local government.
South East Local Partnership Enterprise, in partnership with Localis, will be hosting an event entitled ‘Housing: Barriers and Solutions’.
Localis in partnership with Cathedral Group Plc will be hosting a private Chatham House roundtable discussion with expert colleagues that will consider the future of public land.
Localis is looking forward to the LGA Conference in July…
Localis hosted a roundtable with expert local government colleagues that considered how the country can deliver the housing that’s required for it’s ageing population.
Localis hosted a Ministerial debate on community budgets in non-traditional areas.
Localis launched its latest pamphlet: ‘Making the Most of Public Land’ at the MIPIM Conference in Cannes.
Rory Stewart MP gave a barnstorming speech to Localis on the future of local democracy.
Localis is looking forward to hosting a private roundtable discussion on the link between service reform and growth.
Localis’ latest report was launched at a private debate with local and central government colleagues in October, with the discussion focusing on barriers to growth.