Background and Context: The dynamic of devolution and centre of gravity for local public service reform is clearly moving through the prism of trailblazing combined authorities. In the most recent budget, Combined Authority pioneers Greater Manchester and West Midlands were effectively treated as de facto government offices for the regions. Indeed, a stated intention of […]
Background and context: Between 1990 to 2018 the UK reduced emissions by more than 40 percent. This vital progress in the transition has largely been achieved through the decarbonisation of the power sector. However, as the Climate Change Committee have pointed out ‘over half of emissions reduction needed to meet the Sixth Carbon Budget involves […]
Aims & objectives of webinar Since its launch in 2019, Britain’s Leading Edge has been a collaboration and advocacy network for predominantly rural upper tier local authority regions without the economic pull of a major city. Britain’s Leading Edge wants to work with partners to improve the quality of life for the 6 million people […]
Hybrid Launch of HFI/Localis guide to a fresh way councils and developers can work together to provide homes to suit needs and pockets of those on waiting lists BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT Few of the ‘new affordable’ homes being created today can be afforded by those 1.2 million households on council waiting lists. Most of those […]
A Localis Webinar – Wednesday 8 March 2023 from 11:00 to 12:00 Aims & objectives of webinar This webinar was the first event in Localis’ year long campaign for a Local Resilience Act. It explored the current state and role of climate resilience and mitigation in recently adopted local plans as well as the wider […]
This year marks the twenty first anniversary of Localis as an independent think tank dedicated to issues related to politics, public service reform and localism. Our drinks reception will be a timely opportunity to mark our coming of age and extend gratitude to our supporters, old and new, from all parts of the country who […]
Localis’s project on local clean growth seeks to investigate what places can do, and what they need to be able to do, to unlock routes to clean growth in their area. Our report, aimed at local growth practitioners, policy makers and industry partners maps and explains what good clean growth should look like in the […]
This year Localis will be hosting all its Conservative Party Conference fringe events on Monday 3rd October in the decorous settings of the Banqueting Suite in Birmingham City Council’s historic Council House in Victoria Square. The venue is outside the secure zone and a seven minute walk from the conference centre. After the gold rush – levelling […]
In winter 2021, prompted by the urgency of a sustained post-Covid local economy recovery, Kent County Council commissioned Localis to undertake a study to capture local knowledge and experience from across Kent and Medway and combine this with wider national learning to develop a toolkit enabling places across the county to draw from the successes […]
To what extent can we spark a decade of ingenuity to resolve complex and multi-level place problems? About this event A spirit of innovation and discovery is one of our national characteristics and strengths. However, it has been long noted and acknowledged that as a country we are not strong at diffusing the fruits of […]