We held a debate assessing whether or not crime mapping will show people what they want to know.
During the LGA Conference, we held an event where attendees were asked to consider ‘What defines a Conservative Council?’
1. What defines a Council as a Conservative Council?
2. What 3 innovative things have you done as a conservative Council?
3. What barriers do you face?
Talk by Merrick Cockell on ‘The spread of innovation between local authorities: The London experience’ at the LGA Conference in Bournemouth
The new Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, was elected a month ago with the votes of over 1 million Londoners. This has given him a considerable popular mandate. Now, a new report from leading think tanks Policy Exchange and Localis, the local government and localist think tank, looks at the big issues the new Mayor will face in his first term as set out by some of the foremost experts and commentators on London politics
Dr. Leunig will present the results of the second part of his acclaimed three-part series of Localis and Policy Exchange publications on urban regeneration, Local problems, Global lessons: Evaluating International Urban Policy.
Discussion of critical housing issues, including the response to the governments housing targets, attitudes to housing incentives for councils, and achieving a desirable social mix