Localis’ chief executive, Alex Thomson, is quoted on the Growth Deal funding announcement.
Alex Thomson appeared on BBC News 24, speaking about the Government’s Growth Deal Announcement and the implication for local areas.
Long-term public spending plans are needed to help integrate local service provision, a senior figure involved in implementing the coalitions flagship Community Budgets programme has said.
Its great to see the two major political parties fighting it out for the most localist title – both acknowledging that the English state has been far too centralised for far too long.
Perceptions are relative. If expectations are high, delivery has to be high otherwise you will be deemed a failure. But if expectations are low, you can get away with a less than stellar performance.
Chancellor George Osborne today said he wanted to start a conversation about a new model of city government that would see greater devolution of budgets to local level.
Local government has been urged to get the best value for money it can from its £2.5bn of surplus assets.
Tim Magness, group marketing director of Civica, draws upon Localis’ research of technology in local government as part of his case for the digital transformation of services and organisations.
Involving users in public service delivery could unlock billions of pounds in savings, a report by the government’s reviewer of public service choice has concluded.
Localis’ chief executive, Alex Thomson, spoke for BBC Radio about the upcoming council elections.