Alex Thomson on why transparency is more important than ever to local government.
Alex Thomson, Chief Executive of Localis, discusses the challenges facing the integration of public services.
95% of council are now sharing services, saving more than a third of a billion pounds so far, the Local Government Association (LGA) has revealed.
Peter Wilkes, researcher for Localis, participated in a Guardian Local Leaders live discussion on how councils can put schools at the heart of their communities
Alex Thomson discusses public service provision, in particular, some of the arguments swirling around commissioning.
Alex Thomson, Chief Executive of Localis, comments on what the Budget means for local government.
Alex Thomson, Chief Executive of Localis, reports on the pressures facing public sector property, and the launching of Localis’ agenda-setting new pamphlet on the subject.
Steven Howell comments on local transport infrastructure.
Steven Howell reports in the LGC on the subject of the latest push for the integration of public services.
Localis’ Alex Thomson warned at a recent Joseph Rowntree Foundation debate that localism would be the victim of a proposed national property tax.