Launch of Paul Carter’s new report. Hosted by: Localis & Kent County Council. Venue: St Martin in the Fields, Trafalgar Square. Date & Time: 5.00pm Tuesday 19th January
Localis and Votivation hosted a roundtable discussion focussing on how the internet and technology can be utilised to improve local accountability and to involve citizens in decision making
This roundtable discussion considered the merits of the current benefits system and the potential alternatives. It was held jointly by Localis and Essex County Council
This roundtable focussed on the merits of the current assessment regime and how we can strengthen local accountability. This discussion forms part of a larger project looking into increasing the influence of citizens in local decision making in local politics and improving the accountability of local authorities.
Novotel Hotel, Manchester
Manchester Town Hall
Novotel Hotel, Manchester
Royal Albion Hotel, Brighton
Old Ship Inn, Brighton
Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth