A particular focus of our research work is how places can take control of their economies and drive local growth. In that regard one of our current research projects is looking at how Further Education institutions can be more strategic, better aligned with local employment opportunities and turn out higher quality future employees. One of […]
Our current research on local labour market influencing features an emphasis on the oft-predicted automation of many jobs by 2030. The arc of history bending towards the automation of jobs, manual and otherwise, is an idea which has transitioned smoothly from science fiction to accepted wisdom in recent years. This shift has been helped along […]
To boost young people’s chances of getting on the property ladder, employers and government should both contribute to first-time buyers’ deposit-savings using auto-enrolment of monthly pay-packets – a think-tank has today urged. The call comes as centre-right think-tank Localis produces the interim findings of its report ‘Disrupting the Housing Market’. The report will present three […]
Three proposals for housing policy ahead of party conference season Since the General Election there has been a clamour within government for new housing policies: specifically a policy programme that can help more people onto the housing ladder and provide greater security to those who rent their home. The Prime Minister is “scrambling to find […]
The Patient Capital Review The Treasury-led Patient Capital Review has published a consultation seeking views on how to increase the supply of capital to growing innovative firms. In our response we have argued that tax reliefs offered as part of the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) should be enhanced in places with structurally […]
In response to the Local Government Association’s concerns over stalled devolution today, Localis chief executive Liam Booth-Smith said: “The wait has simply been far too long the two-thirds of England which lacks the capacity and robust governance structure to deliver the Government’s national industrial strategy. “Given the economic urgency of Brexit, all parts of England, […]
In response to the Government’s launch of the life sciences and research sector deal today, Localis chief executive Liam Booth-Smith said: “The country is blessed with a world class cluster of life sciences and research, a ‘golden triangle’ located between Oxford, Cambridge and London. “In spearheading the national industrial strategy as a pioneer sector deal, […]
In response to the publication today of a report by the manufacturers’ organisation EEF, Jack Airey, head of research at Localis said: “The EEF’s proposed framework for hastening the transfer of economic powers to places across England is to be welcomed, and it is only right that the Government brings forward its common framework for […]
In response to today’s announcement that 100,000 teenagers will receive mental health training to help them cope with exam pressure and build up their self-esteem, Localis chief executive, Liam Booth-Smith, said: “There needs to be a better focus on addressing the challenges that young people face in their mental wellbeing or, as we prefer, mental fitness. […]
At this year’s Conservative Party conference, Localis will be holding a series of panel events on Monday, 2 October 2017 at Manchester Town Hall (which is situated just outside the conference zone and does not require a pass). The discussion will cover issues from Brexit to funding our public infrastructure, NHS funding to metro mayors. […]