Experts predicted yesterday that the recent heavy snowfall and ice could leave councils patching up more than a million holes this year, with an estimated repair bill of £64million
Green home ‘refurbishments’ are to be offered to householders under a Government scheme which could save them 300-a-year in fuel bills, ministers will pledge.
The man responsible for giving Haringey children’s services a clean bill of health three months after Baby P died has left his job at Ofsted.
More than one in four homes in the UK will be offered a complete eco-makeover.
The MJ comments on our report, ‘With a little help from our friends’
The MJ comments on our report, ‘With a little help from our friends’
A quarter of all council tax is going to meet the soaring cost of the gold-plated pensions of town hall workers.
Business rates are set for their biggest rise since the modern system began in 1993.
ILM comments on our report, ‘With a little help from our friends’
ILM comments on our report, ‘With a little help from our friends’