The LGC reports Merrick Cockell’s appointment as the new chairman of Localis
Shadow Local Government Minister Bob Neill MP reviews Big Ideas: Building on Conservative Fundamentals published by Localis. Neill backs its call to set Councils free
Tom Shakespeare, research fellow for Localis, gives an analysis of the future direction of local government
Boris Johnson and the Conservatives favour more local political control over chief constables and police forces – not to mention Sir Ian Blair, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. But what of governing the capital itself? Attempts to regulate London are almost as old as the city. The post of mayor was created in the 12th […]
Anthony Browne is to become Boris’s new ‘Policy Director’, and the Mayor has excitedly announced his arrival
Merrick Cockell, Chair of London Councils delivers a speech at Localis fringe reception at the LGA Conference on ‘The spread of innovation between local authorities’
London Funders comments on our Research Note – ‘The Future of Regional Governance’
Localis and Policy Exchange yesterday launched their Million Vote Mandate report, looking at the big issues which the Mayor is going to face in his first term
For the first time in eight years, London politics is a blank canvas. Andrew Gilligan writes in the Evening Standard on what this will mean
This is an edited version of an article appearing in The Million Vote Mandate, a report published by Policy Exchange and Localis